Tag: wireless

[Middle] Up2Date 1.921 1.922 1.930

Urgency: Middle (low, Middle, HIGH) Up2Date 1.921 Prepare Up2Date 1.922 Size: 447 Bytes Up2Date 1.922 Size: 9366621 bytes Updates   Selfsigned SSL certificate generation Up2Date  Selfmonitoring Middleware (some small bugfixes) WebAdmin (NIC configuration bug for more then 3 NICS) Backup emailing (correct mimencoding) Up2Date 1.930 Finish Up2Date 1.922 Size: 442 Bytes All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! READ MORE

[High] Up2Date 1.809 1.810 1.811

Urgency: HIGH (low, Middle, HIGH) Up2Date 1.809 Update: prepare Up2Date 1.810 Size: 496 bytes Up2Date 1.810 Updates * Support for up to 10 IDE controllers added * Support for limiting port ranges (DNAT) added * VPN definition process simplified * Selfmonitor functionality improved * Virus patterns updated * SSH daemon updated Fixes * Double bounced email notification problem fixed #010023 * Socks5 DNS name resolution problem fixed #010027 * User Authentication restart problem fixed #010018 *)Attention: The Up2Date livelog will restart during the upgrade so you might loose the connection. Up2Date continues in the background and is not affected by this. To bring back the livelog service click on Start again.

[Middle] Up2Date 1.805 1.806

Urgency: Middle (low, Middle, HIGH) Up2Date 1.805 Update: new virus pattern files Bugfix: fixed problem with daemon-watcher memory managment Size: 11037 bytes Up2Date 1.806 Finishing Up2Date 1.805 Size: 490 bytes Up2Date Server: All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! READ MORE

Astaro Security Linux 1.8 is shipping!

Astaro Security Linux 1.8 was released for worldwide distribution. With more than 30.000 downloads of our software and more than 4.000 active used installations, Astaro Security Linux is one of the best tested firewall solutions. Take a look at our press release “The checkpoint for Internet security switches to Germany” at   http://www.astaro.com/doc/Astaro_010307_e.pdf .

Up2Date availability 1.74x -> 1.79x

After careful consideration, we have decided NOT to release an Up2Date package for upgrading from the 1.74 series to the 1.79 series. The reason is that the changes in the internal structure of the distribution were just too numerous to ensure a smooth Up2Date process. The Up2Date feature was developed for smaller (mostly security) fixes, and does not scale too well for very large (e.g.> 30MB) changes like major feature upgrades.