Urgency: Middle (low,Middle, HIGH) Up2Date 1.797 Bugfix: wrong nexthop calculation for VPN (needed if you are using VPN) Size: 1508699 bytes Up2Date Server: All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! READ MORE
[High] Up2Date 1.743
Urgency: HIGH (low,Middle, HIGH) Up2Date 1.743 Bugfix: Wrong Virusscan Error Message Size: 748799 bytes Up2Date Server: All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! READ MORE
Important Security Advisory
Due to a problem in the ICMP Stack of iptables please disable ICMP on your firewall as follows: disable Packet Filter -> ICMP -> ICMP on Firewall (red light) Stay tuned for a Up2Date Announcement that will fix this problem. READ MORE
[High] Up2Date 1.791
Urgency: HIGH (low,Middle, HIGH) Up2Date 1.791 Update: sshd remote root (bug in deattack.c) 264751 bytes Up2Date Server: All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! Note: If you can't load this Up2Date: Disable Systems-> Settings-> Secure Shell !!! READ MORE
New Fast Download FTP/HTTP Server
We have a new fast (OC12) Download-Server: READ MORE
Password problems in 1.736
There is a problem with password settings during the install procedure with version 1.736 – please use this workaround or wait for 1.737: Passwords from install procedure for loginuser and root are not set! There are default-password settings which are overwritten during the install: for loginuser and root password is test Login as root (with passord test) on console and set with passwd root and passwd loginuser new passwords! READ MORE
Astaro Security Linux 1.735
Download Information Astaro Security Linux 1.735 – http://www.astaro.com/products/download.html asl-1.735.iso : 124508160 bytes : 6d21bc496897a579340a99d4c2fc3e06 asl-1.735.iso.gz : 44354719 bytes : 90366d1a464bdccc13a0d2c022305a9f Change log New: ACL fuer HTTP proxy access and transparent mode New: Support VMWare Ethernet New: Notification about 1 hour queued emails Update: AVX-Viruspattern Update: Selfmonitoring Update: Anti Ad Database Update: halt/shutdown for Commandline Up2Date from 1.718 to 1.735 will be released next days… Happy Xmas! READ MORE
Australian Mirror for Astaro Security Linux ISO
A new Australian download mirror is now available! ftp://ftp.wiretapped.net/pub/security/operating-systems/astaro-security-linux/ http://the.wiretapped.net/security/operating-systems/astaro-security-linux/ Thanks to Grant Bayley for his support! READ MORE
[Middle] Up2Date 1.716 1.717 1.718
New Up2Dates are now available for Astaro Security Linux. Urgency: Middle Up2Date 1.716 Prepare Up2Date 1.717 484 Bytes Up2Date 1.717 MiddleWare DNS-ACL Bug fixed 1332009 Bytes Up2Date 1.718 Finish Up2DAte 1.717 383 Bytes Up2Date Server: All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! READ MORE
Initial Release Astaro Security Linux 1.715
Astaro Security Linux 1.715: http://www.astaro.com/products/download.html md5sum: 8c9bc1e40d5226329d262a51ab07da04 47115260 Bytes READ MORE