Every IT manager aspires to improve performance, accelerate incident response times, reduce system downtime, and simultaneously cut service costs in his or her IT support operations. Now, if you are in the pursuit of similar goals, then look no further than an IT SLA .
This Week’s Five: Managed Service Providers – Reality Check!
This Week’s Five is a weekly column of five interesting reads from all over the web, with a different topic each week. This week, we’ll try to find out how Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are an important part of the burgeoning IT management space . Why does an enterprise hire an MSP? Cost-saving is the major reason, but other key benefits like using professional talent, more concentration on their core job, and reduction of risk and hassles, are in fact more critical to the success of their long-term strategies
The ABCs of SLAs
Service levels are very critical in a network-dependent business setup. Large Enterprises have embraced network as their backbone for all forms of internal and external communication. In this scenario, to ensure acceptable service levels is no longer the problem statement
Effective Voice Traffic Analysis using NetFlow Analyzer
Voice traffic has spread its presence everywhere right from SMBs to large enterprises. Communication happens through VoIP at different levels right from customer support to teleconferencing to internal communication etc. VoIP has a major role in ensuring business continuity & it thus becomes a critical application that requires constant monitoring & control
Christopher Burg on Service Level Agreements
Christopher Burg talks about how ServiceDesk Plus out of the box configuration helped his IT team to attain better Service Level.