This Week’s Five is a weekly column of five interesting reads from all over the web, with a different topic each week. This week, we’ll try to find out how Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are an important part of the burgeoning IT management space . Why does an enterprise hire an MSP? Cost-saving is the major reason, but other key benefits like using professional talent, more concentration on their core job, and reduction of risk and hassles, are in fact more critical to the success of their long-term strategies
Talk To ME Tuesday: Moving Infrastructure to the Cloud is not as Cheap as You Might Expect
ManageEngine continues our weekly blog series called Talk to ME Tuesday. Each week we discuss interesting topics from the world of technology with you, the people that live and breathe it everyday. “We’ve been sold to believe that migrating to the cloud is substantially cheaper than doing it yourself,” said Joe Szmadzinski, COO of IT Management Resources , during the IT Leadership Summit at the 2012 Interop Conference in Las Vegas.