In this video, you’re going to learn how to use Application Control to monitor and control applications’ access to your network. Application Control is a UTM security system that monitors and restricts applications over your network, using the FortiGuard database of applications, which categorizes apps according to popularity, networking technology, app function, and risk. You can create a list of flagged apps or select by category, and monitor or block the actions of those applications using your existing firewall policies.
Virtualization Manager Dashboard Widget Integration with Server & Application Manager
For more information on Virtualization Manager, visit: Virtualization Manager Dashboard Widget Integration into Server & Application Manager to allow visibility into both the application and physical server domains at the same time as seeing the virtual server and host environment.
Custom Application Monitoring – SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor
Download a free 30-day trial of Server & Application Monitor: With custom application monitoring, if you have something that’s not out-of-the box, you can still keep an eye on it. Create a custom app monitor with a simple wizard
How-to Deploy Log & Event Manager to Hyper-V™
Log and Event Manager (LEM) identifies and responds to network threats immediately — before they become a problem.
NetFlow Traffic Analyzer Overview – SolarWinds
How many times do you hear from your users that the network is slow but everything looks fine to you? SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer (NTA) monitors the flow technology that is already built into your network infrastructure to assess your network bandwidth and traffic performance so you can see who, what and how your network traffic is being consumed. NTA monitors and displays network bandwidth and traffic usage in easy-to-interpret charts and graphs including: Cisco NetFlow Juniper J-Flow sFlow IPFIX Huawei NetStream Take a video tour of the powerful network bandwidth and traffic analysis features in SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer including; flow based monitoring; bandwidth usage by application, protocols, source, destination, and type of service; and identification of top talkers.
IPAM and Network Performance Monitoring — A Powerful Duo
For more information on IPAM, visit: Keep up with today’s dynamic networks by leveraging the combined power of SolarWinds IP Address Manager (IPAM) and SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor (NPM).
Entrenamiento de la gestión de registros y eventos: Log & Event Manager (LEM) El webcast será la presentación de los puntos importantes de que haga LEM y cómo. También habrá una demostración en vivo de Log & Event Manager.
Treinamento de gerenciamento de configuração de rede: Network Configuration Manager (NCM) Webinar em português sobre o software de gerenciamento de configurações da rede, o Orion NCM da SolarWinds. Uma apresentação ao vivo sobre as características do software. Você vai aprender como a ferramenta funciona e poderá tirar suas dúvidas com o engenheiro da nossa equipe.
Treinamento de gestão de redes: Network Performance Monitor (NPM) Webinar em português sobre o software de gestão do desempenho da rede, o NPM da SolarWinds. Uma apresentação ao vivo sobre as características do software. Aprender como a ferramenta funciona e poderá tirar suas dúvidas com o engenheiro da nossa equipe.
Treinamento de gerenciamento de endereços IP: IP Address Manager (IPAM) Destaques do Orion IPAM: • Gerencie toda a infraestrutura de IP em um console da Web intuitivo • Importe várias sub-redes simultaneamente usando a importação de sub-redes em massa • Evite a saturação de sub-redes e de escopos DHCP com notificações de alerta preventivas • Verifique periodicamente a rede e servidores Microsoft® e Cisco® IOS™ DHCP para saber se foram feitas alterações de endereço IP • Crie, agende e compartilhe relatórios com base no percentual de utilização do espaço de endereço IP • Coordene o acesso da equipe com o controle de acesso baseado em funções e controle quem fez quais alterações • Verifique e controle endereços IP não utilizados gratuitamente e marque-os como disponíveis • Identifique facilmente endereços IP não responsivos para otimizar o espaço de IPv