I had been tasked with finding a way to load balance UDP on AWS. Normally we would use ipvsadm in at layer 4 DR but because of the limitations in ec2 this is not possible so another method was needed
SSL Termination & The BEAST
Over the last few weeks we have seen more and more users reporting that they have run a security check on the SSL certificate thats installed on their Loadbalancer appliance using the Trustworty Internet Movement web site (https://www.trustworthyinternet.org/ssl-pulse/). The idea behind the site is basically to test as many SSL certificates on the Internet as
Apache and X-Forwarded-For Headers
As a follow on to my previous blog, its easier to get Apache to log client IP addresses utilizing X-Forwarded-For headers than it is using IIS. By default, the logs do not record source IP addresses for clients but this is very easy to change using the LogFormat directive in the httpd.conf file as explained
IIS and X-Forwarded-For Header
So, you’re using IIS and you want to track your clients by IP address in your IIS logs. Unfortunately, out of the tin, this is simply not possible