Tag: network

Data representation and Unified Dashboards

This is in continuation of Part 1 discussed in this blog. In this section, I shall take you through the various features of Dashboards as offered in IT360 and how to use them. One major need that you come across in managing the day to day operations of your IT [from IT Infrastructure Management tools] is to create custom dashboards specific to the following roles in your IT Department: Network Dashboards and Traffic Dashboards for your Network Administrators System Dashboards for your System Administrators Applications Dashboards for your Application Administrators Server Dashboards for your Server Administrators Dashboards for IT Managers, and CXOs And, the most important aspect of IT360 dashboards are its widgets and the possibilities / choices that it offers.

Networkworld Article on Network Security and ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer

Folks, http://www.networkworld.com/community/node/79146 Recently I have read this article in NW that talks about the importance of network security and why medium and large enterprises started considering products that can offer APT. The answer to Network Security from ManageEngine is Advance Security Analysis Module