Tag: network

Analyst Commentary – Security Appliance Growth Continues

There was a flurry of news articles out recently highlighting some interesting data points from IDC. In particular, according to IDC, worldwide factory revenue from security appliances was up 7.2% year on year to $2.3 billion, as unit shipments increased 5.2% to 538,428. Granted, Q4 is generally the strongest quarter in the tech industry, so it should be no surprise to most to see a strong finish to the year

Windows XP-iration

After April 08,2014, the Extended Support for Windows XP will expire and Microsoft will cease to issue any more updates or patches. It will have a significant impact on Windows XP users, particularly in terms of vulnerabilities and exploits. If you just bought a computer recently and it came with a copy of Windows 7 or 8, you don’t need to worry about Microsoft’s Windows XP expiration deadline.

Security 101: Two-Factor Authentication

Time and time again, the old methods of identifying who you are have fallen prey to various attacks and breaches. Simply having a login name and a password, even a strong password – one that doesn’t contain words from the dictionary, and consists of upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and special symbols like exclamation points, ampersands or other non-alphanumeric characters – is often no longer strong enough to prevent a breach. You could have an incredibly strong passwo…

Network World Security Landscape Video Podcast (March)

In this month’s Network World Security Landscape video podcast, reporter Keith Shaw speaks with Fortinet’s Derek Manky on trends he saw at this year’s RSA tradeshow, a new Claco cross platform botnet that’s migrating from the smartphones to PCs, the recent Evernote hack and the recent trend of companies migrating to two factor authentication.