Tag: NEC

‘Shellshock’ Bug Spells Trouble for Web Security

As if consumers weren’t already suffering from breach fatigue: Experts warn that attackers are exploiting a critical, newly-disclosed security vulnerability present in countless networks and Web sites that rely on  Unix and  Linux  operating systems. Experts say the flaw, dubbed “Shellshock,” is so intertwined with the modern Internet that it could prove challenging to fix, and in the short run is likely to put millions of networks and countless consumer records at risk of compromise. The bug is being compared to the recent Heartbleed vulnerability because of its ubiquity and sheer potential for causing havoc on Internet-connected systems — particularly Web sites

Bash or “Shellshock” vulnerability

Summary News is breaking about a major new high severity vulnerability, CVE-2014-6271 , with widespread impact. Gnu Bourne again shell (Bash) is a UNIX like command shell that is included in most distributions of Linux and also Apple OS X. The vulnerability allows an attacker to create environment variables that include malicious code before the system calls the Bash shell.

Shell-shocked by shell shock? Bash vulnerability explained.

Having recovered from the recent Heartbleed vulnerabilities we now have another headline grabbing vulnerability to keep us all busy. First let me say that our product should be perfectly safe and secure unless you’ve already shared your passwords or forgotten to run “lbsecure”

Worrying Doesn’t Keep IT Problems Away. Good Tools Do!

Free tools to quickly troubleshoot your way and stay on top of IT Love them or hate them, but you cannot ignore them. Surprises, pleasant or otherwise, are a way of life for a s ysadmin. The degree of surprise however determines how the rest of the day turns out for the sysadmin

Overcoming Virtualization Management Challenges with VM Manager Plus

Server  virtualization  has become a widely-adopted technology in data centers. The a bility to share all the available resources across various virtual machines ( VMs ) makes server  virtualization  highly  scalable  and efficient, which helps to  reduce  opex .  Apparently,  Gartner  found  more than 50 percent of overall servers in the world are  virtualized . By 2015, that share will increase to 75 percent