Due to a problem in the ICMP Stack of iptables please disable ICMP on your firewall as follows: disable Packet Filter -> ICMP -> ICMP on Firewall (red light) Stay tuned for a Up2Date Announcement that will fix this problem. READ MORE
[High] Up2Date 1.791
Urgency: HIGH (low,Middle, HIGH) Up2Date 1.791 Update: sshd remote root (bug in deattack.c) 264751 bytes Up2Date Server: All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! Note: If you can't load this Up2Date: Disable Systems-> Settings-> Secure Shell !!! READ MORE
[High] Up2Date 1.741
Urgency: HIGH (low,Middle, HIGH) Up2Date 1.741 Update: bind 8.2.3 617172 bytes Up2Date Server: All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! READ MORE
[High] Up2Date 1.719 1.720 1.721 1.735
Urgency: HIGH (low,Middle, HIGH) Up2Date 1.719 Update: prepare for Up2Date 1.720 870 bytes Up2Date 1.720 Update: prepare for Up2Date 1.721 477 bytes Up2Date 1.721 New: ACL fuer HTTP proxy access and transparent mode New: Notification about 1 hour queued emails Update: AVP-Viruspattern Update: Selfmonitoring Update: Anti Ad Database Update: Halt/Reboot for Commandline Bugfix: /23-Netmask Bugfix: VPN “Leftnexthop” Bugfix: static services for NAT 9318371 bytes Up2Date 1.735 Update: finish Up2Date 1.721 523 bytes Up2Date Server: All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! READ MORE
Astaro Security Linux 1.718
Astaro Security Linux 1.718: http://www.astaro.com/products/download.html md5sum: 82da4c64ff7726c3ac2e1240af03ada9 47120550 Bytes READ MORE
Australian Mirror for Astaro Security Linux ISO
A new Australian download mirror is now available! ftp://ftp.wiretapped.net/pub/security/operating-systems/astaro-security-linux/ http://the.wiretapped.net/security/operating-systems/astaro-security-linux/ Thanks to Grant Bayley for his support! READ MORE
[Middle] Up2Date 1.716 1.717 1.718
New Up2Dates are now available for Astaro Security Linux. Urgency: Middle Up2Date 1.716 Prepare Up2Date 1.717 484 Bytes Up2Date 1.717 MiddleWare DNS-ACL Bug fixed 1332009 Bytes Up2Date 1.718 Finish Up2DAte 1.717 383 Bytes Up2Date Server: All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! READ MORE
Initial Release Astaro Security Linux 1.715
Astaro Security Linux 1.715: http://www.astaro.com/products/download.html md5sum: 8c9bc1e40d5226329d262a51ab07da04 47115260 Bytes READ MORE