Tag: manageengine

Enhance WAN RTT reporting

WAN Round Trip Time (RTT) monitor measures round trip time and helps resolve poor WAN performance. It is also helpful in monitoring Quality of Service (QoS) across WAN links provided by your Internet service provider(ISP) and alerts are generated when the set threshold limits are violated

Going beyond plain virtualization monitoring

Virtualization technology has transformed the way business works with IT. However, rapid virtualization and the co-existence of virtual environments with physical and cloud entities have introduced many new complexities to businesses from an IT management point of view. While conventional monitoring tools can provide performance monitoring to an extent, they mostly lack the necessary operational intelligence required to track today’s complex virtualized infrastructures.

High Java CPU due to String Concatenation – String + Vs StringBuffer or StringBuilder

Many of you might know, the String concat(+) is costly operation compare to StringBuffer or StringBuilder append() method. But you might not know the actual performance difference. Let me show you the performance difference with a simple test program, package test; public class StrVsBuffVsBuild { public static void main(String[] args) { int count=200000; System.out.println(“Number of Strings concat Operation is ‘”+count+”‘”); long st = System.currentTimeMillis(); String str = “”; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { str += "MyString"; } System.out.println("Time taken for String concat (+) Operation is '"+(System.currentTimeMillis()-st)+"' Millis"); st = System.currentTimeMillis(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { sb.append("MyString"); } System.out.println("Time taken for StringBuffer.append() Operation is '"+(System.currentTimeMillis()-st)+"' Millis"); st = System.currentTimeMillis(); StringBuilder sbr = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { sbr.append("MyString"); } System.out.println("Time taken for StringBuilder.append() Operation is '"+(System.currentTimeMillis()-st)+"' Millis"); } } Following are the output of the above test program, Number of Strings concat Operation is '200000' Time taken for String concat (+) Operation is '373933' Millis Time taken for StringBuffer.append() Operation is '19' Millis Time taken for StringBuilder.append() Operation is '5' Millis The String concat (+) took 6.2 Minutes , however others took only 19 / 5 milliseconds

Performance tuning of NetFlow Analyzer Professional / Professional Plus Edition Made easy!.

In the older version of NetFlow Analyzer if the product faces performance related issue, tuning the product took long time and the downtime of the product was about 15 to 20 minutes by following the steps mentioned here . In the Newer version of NetFlow Analyzer version 9.5 build 9500, this tuning steps is made easy. Now you can tune the product in the User Interface.