Tag: manageengine

New in Applications Manager: Oracle JRockit JVM Monitoring and more

We recently rolled out Applications Manager version 10.2.   Here, we brief you through the features and enhancements which has gone into this release: Support for monitoring Oracle JRockit JVM and IBM JVM in Java Runtime Monitor : Applications Manager has added few more vendors into its list of supported JVMs.With support for JRockit and IBM JVM, we now support all major JVMs on the market.

ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer at Cisco LIVE 2012, London

Cisco has proved time and again, that it leads the market in both thought and action. Cisco LIVE, that started off as a networkers conference way back in 1989, has come a long way for more than 2 decades, as the biggest networking event in the world.

Source and Destination Tab

Source/Destination tab helps find the traffic from an individual host passing through a specific interface. The Source table will group all the source IP address in the conversation and the total traffic contributed by that host will be displayed. You can further drill down to an IP address/host to view the destination host with the application used and the amount of traffic transferred