Tag: manageengine

Kywi automates Patch Management and achieves operational efficiency using Desktop Central

Challenge Kywi belongs to construction industry and their offices are spread across different locations and deploying patches was the most complicated task. Even when they scan and deploy patches, the bandwidth consumption was taking a toll on their IT costs. Their manual efforts were time consuming, which resulted in difficulty in managing the systems

Configuring HighPerf Reporting Engine Part-2

The previous blog gave you detailed information on installing the HighPerf Reporting Engine in Windows environment. This blog will give you an idea about installing the HighPerf Reporting Engine Add-On in Linux environment. You can download the HighPerf Reporting Engine here Note: HighPerf Reporting Engine is available only for 64bit installation Installing server and client in the same server: Execute the executable file: ./ ME_NFA_HighPerf_Add_On_9800_64bit.bin  -console Accept the Read the ‘License’ terms and conditions and choose ‘I accept the terms of the agreement’ and click ‘Next’ to continue with the installation

Guest Blog : Unlearning ITIL or just using the customer’s language?

The morning after the itSMF 2012 Awards Dinner is possibly not the best time to schedule the session that was most likely to pique attendees’ interest. But  Aale Roos ’ presentation on Unlearning ITIL was one that many wanted to hear, even if the initial slides were more about the well-known inaccuracies between ITIL v3 and the 2011 editions. In the wider business world, we recognize that much of the work we do leverages IT capability into the non-IT Space, although as Aale pointed out, between a new customer demand and fulfillment, there can be up to 9 disparate processes