Tag: manageengine

Vote For ManageEngine in the Windows IT Pro Community Choice Awards

The annual  Windows IT Pro Community Choice awards  are back once again, and ManageEngine needs your help to win. The awards offer a unique way for the Windows IT Pro community to determine their favorite vendors and products on the market. ManageEngine products have been nominated in several categories, and your votes can help to ensure your favorite ManageEngine tool wins the Gold! To make it easier on you, we’ve given you a head start in the voting process by listing the categories and ManageEngine products nominated. Take a look below: # 1: Best Active Directory & Group Policy Product: ManageEngine ADManager Plus (in line for its hat-trick award having won it in 2011 and 2012) # 3: Best Auditing & Compliance Product: ManageEngine ADAudit Plus ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer # 5: Best Cloud Computing Product or Service: ZOHO # 6: Best Deployment/Configuration Product: ManageEngine Desktop Central # 15: Best Management Suite: ManageEngine IT360 # 18: Best Network-Management Product: ManageEngine OpManager # 19: Best Patch-Management Product: ManageEngine Desktop Central # 21: Best Security Product: ManageEngine DeviceExpert ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer ManageEngine Firewall Analyzer ManageEngine Password Manager Pro # 24: Best Systems Monitoring Product: ManageEngine OpManager # 28: Best Free or Open Source IT Tool: ManageEngine Windows Admin Tools ManageEngine Active Directory Free Tools # 29: Best Vendor Tech Support: ZOHO (ManageEngine) The voting ends on September 20 th , 2013, so hurry up and cast your vote now !

Back to School: The ABCs of IT Management

It wasn’t that long ago when parents were picking up their children on the last day of school to start the summer. Now these same parents are only weeks away from dropping their children off again to begin a new academic journey. Do you remember your time as a youngster walking into the first week of class to start a new year

Is NFC adding up to security concerns of a CIO?

(Originally published in  Information Week , an article by  Shailesh Kumar Davey ) The convenience of an NFC enabled phone comes with some security risks as criminals are likely to abuse the tap-and-pay NFC technology used in mobile payment programs.  Imagine a world where you leave your house without keys, walk into your office without an ID card and book movie tickets without cash or cards! Yes, such a world is possible with the Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. NFC enables wireless data transfer between two devices that are very close to each other.   NFC is a subset of RFID technology and is based on principles of electro-magnetic field that interact with each other (proximity is the key thing here)

Why Can’t Someone Hyperloop IT?

Elon Musk’s Hyperloop sketches look like something out of the future, not the present. Nerds everywhere (myself included) can finally rejoice. Our fearless leader Elon Musk – whose “Nerd Hall of Fame” resume includes founding PayPal, SpaceX, and my personal favorite, Tesla Motors – has just released his highly anticipated proposal for his next great idea: the Hyperloop transportation system.

Spate of shocking cyber attacks on universities jolt academia

It is hauntingly clear – cyber criminals have set their eyes firmly on universities, research institutions, and centers of higher learning in the United States and other parts of the world. If the cyber attacks of the past few weeks are any indication, universities are now facing the biggest threat to information security