Urgency: HIGH (low,Middle, HIGH) Up2Date 1.741 Update: bind 8.2.3 617172 bytes Up2Date Server: All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! READ MORE
Password problems in 1.736
There is a problem with password settings during the install procedure with version 1.736 – please use this workaround or wait for 1.737: Passwords from install procedure for loginuser and root are not set! There are default-password settings which are overwritten during the install: for loginuser and root password is test Login as root (with passord test) on console and set with passwd root and passwd loginuser new passwords! READ MORE
New German Download Mirror
There is a new mirror available in Germany: ftp://info.mi.fh-offenburg.de/pub/Internet/Server/ASL/ Thanks to Klaus for his support! READ MORE
[Middle] Up2Date 1.716 1.717 1.718
New Up2Dates are now available for Astaro Security Linux. Urgency: Middle Up2Date 1.716 Prepare Up2Date 1.717 484 Bytes Up2Date 1.717 MiddleWare DNS-ACL Bug fixed 1332009 Bytes Up2Date 1.718 Finish Up2DAte 1.717 383 Bytes Up2Date Server: All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! READ MORE