Yesterday, the Washington Post reported that President Obama is preparing to announce the appointment of a national “'cyber czar,' a senior White House official who will have broad authority to develop strategy to protect the nation's government-run and private computer networks”, and that this announcement will coincide with the release of the government's cyber-security initiatives and policies. While I am not holding my breath waiting for a call from the White House, I do have some advice for the new cyber czar. First of all, it is going to be important for you to be transparent and to quell fears that this is the first step towards an Orwellian world.
ASG Beta Release Version 7.470
Our Beta community will be excited to hear that we have just made available the third package in our 7.500 release testing.
AxG Beta 7.460 Released
Greetings! We have issued another Beta Version of our not-yet-released 7.500, for those who are testing or wish to test the new features and functionality of our next major Up2Date release. For more information on the 7.500 Beta, please see our initial launch announcement . For more information on this new Beta version release, please read on
Up2date 7.402 Launched
Hello! Astaro has released Up2Date 7.402, which is a stability release.
7.400 Up2Date Re-Released
The official GA Up2Date Package for 7.400 has now been made available. We'd like to thank you for your patience as we ensured the quality of the Up2Date experience for all our customers. We know many of you are eagerly waiting for the new features in this version! Read on for the relevant details
ACC BETA Up2date 1.980 Released
We just made available a new ACC BETA release 1.980 based on our Beta tester feedback and our own testing so far during this beta. Read on for a short announcement
Up2Date 7.400 Status Report
Thank you for your patience regarding our 7.400 Up2Date release During the 3-day window where the Up2Date was available we had a small number of cases where the upgrade process took longer than was acceptable.
Known Issue – Initial bootup after 7.400 installation may take longer than expected
Dear Customers and Partners, after the release of 7.400 we have receive lots of positive feedback from customers who love the new functionality. Besides all the good news our support teams have identified a potential issue on bigger installations
Astaro Command Center 2.0 BETA Begins
We would like to announce that the Astaro Command Center will have a new 2.0 Version in the coming weeks, and are making available a BETA version of this release so that you can experience the new functionality and offerings, while having the opportunity to provide us with feedback, bug reports, and impressions of the product. The Astaro Command Center is a centralized management platform which creates a “throne room” from which to manage multiple Astaro Installations. If you currently are responsible for more than a single Astaro Product (or Hundreds), Command Center is the perfect product for you, and is FREE of charge! Read on for further details of the BETA program.
BETA Up2date RC2 (7.395) Released
Astaro has just now started publishing 7.395, our RC2 release, to the Up2Date servers. For our BETA testers, this provides final feedback adjustments and polish, and will likely be the final BETA release until 7.400 officially launches next week.