I listen to NPR basically every time I'm in the car. Normally this gives me an ok sense as to what the rest of the world is thinking about. One show I am able to listen to regularly is “On Point”.
ASG Beta Release #4 – Version 7.480
Hello! For those who are participating in our 7.500 Beta, we have just released the fourth iteration of the release, which is numbered 7.480. We will now being merging the code and start making it final, and you can expect a Release Candidate probably next week, barring any unexpected developments. From there, 7.500 will be made Generally Available shortly thereafter
Why attack Twitter?
The recent high profile attacks on social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook may give us a glimpse into the underground world of spammers, crackers, and those who style themselves as 'bot-herders'. As you're probably aware Twitter is a social networking site that allows users to generate short messages or 'tweets' which are then disseminated throughout the internet to a larger audience. The service started only a few years ago and since then its usage has exploded partly due to its high profile involvement in such recent events as the Iranian presidential election protests
A Conversation on "Health Information Technology"
On Sunday, the Boston Globe printed a portion of a letter to the editor I sent in regards to one of the paper's articles. The opinion discussed the mandating of electronic health records and the importance of security for such records. Below is the complete letter.
Astaro Receives VMware Ready Certifications
Astaro earned multiple VMware Ready™ certifications for its security products. Astaro Security Gateway, Astaro Mail Gateway and Astaro Web Gateway have all been certified as VMware Ready, and Astaro is the only Unified Threat Management provider to have submitted to and passed VMware Ready validation.
Virtualization as a Disaster Recovery Strategy
There have actually been a few major disasters in the past 10 years that have shown the value of good disaster recovery plans. Though they're far from perfect they do make a difference and can always be improved with newer techniques and technology.
As Slowloris HTTP DoS Rises Astaro is Ready
Recently the Slowloris Denial of Service attack has jumped in popularity. This attack is similar to SYN flood, but uses HTTP instead, basically consuming sockets on the Web Server vs
Spam Is More Than Annoying
Not only is it annoying having to sift through all the garbage which clogs your inbox, but it costs you productivity as you attempt to separate the mails you need from the unwanted items. Spam rarely ends up in my own inbox due to the effectiveness of the blocking solution I use, (I use a solution from Astaro ) but many of the people I speak with daily communicate that in an inbox with 50 messages, 45 or more can easily be spam on a given day.
Ideas are for sharing
We are rolling out a new service for our partners and customers – an improved feature request site. On this new site our partners and customers can make suggestions for improvements or request totally new functionality. Not only can visitors make their own suggestions – they can vote on the suggestions of others, giving us a better understanding of the popularity or urgency of specific network security needs
Advice for the Cyber Czar
Yesterday, the Washington Post reported that President Obama is preparing to announce the appointment of a national “'cyber czar,' a senior White House official who will have broad authority to develop strategy to protect the nation's government-run and private computer networks”, and that this announcement will coincide with the release of the government's cyber-security initiatives and policies. While I am not holding my breath waiting for a call from the White House, I do have some advice for the new cyber czar. First of all, it is going to be important for you to be transparent and to quell fears that this is the first step towards an Orwellian world.