Tag: career

ASG Beta Release #4 – Version 7.480

Hello! For those who are participating in our 7.500 Beta, we have just released the fourth iteration of the release, which is numbered 7.480. We will now being merging the code and start making it final, and you can expect a Release Candidate probably next week, barring any unexpected developments. From there, 7.500 will be made Generally Available shortly thereafter

Prevolence of Botnets and Their Zombies Encourages Spam

Dark Reading published an article titled ” Booming Underground Economy Makes Spam A Hot Commodity, Expert Says ” regarding the ease of using botnets for spam activity and how this makes spamming profitable. Some of the more startling statistics show that “For about $10, [a spammer] can send a million emails”. Even if 2 people order a product that they are selling for $10, that's a 100% profit over the cost of the use of the botnet.

How to protect your network from cyber-attacks

There are three measures network administrators can take to avoid the types of network attacks that plagued US and South Korean websites including www.whitehouse.gov, NASDAQ, NYSE, Yahoo!'s financial page and the Washington Post. The three areas to focus on are network based mitigation, host based mitigation and proactive measures. Network based mitigation: Install IDS/IPS with the ability to track floods (such as SYN, ICMP etc.) Install a firewall that has the ability to drop packets rather than have them reach the internal server.

Google Chrome OS and Some Words On Hype

THE HYPE With the announcement of the upcoming Google Chrome OS, Google is adding some hype to the mix. Google is boldly stating that they are “going back to the basics and completely redesigning the underlying security architecture of the OS so that users don't have to deal with viruses, malware and security updates.

Advice for the Cyber Czar

Yesterday, the Washington Post reported that President Obama is preparing to announce the appointment of a national “'cyber czar,' a senior White House official who will have broad authority to develop strategy to protect the nation's government-run and private computer networks”, and that this announcement will coincide with the release of the government's cyber-security initiatives and policies. While I am not holding my breath waiting for a call from the White House, I do have some advice for the new cyber czar. First of all, it is going to be important for you to be transparent and to quell fears that this is the first step towards an Orwellian world.

AxG Beta 7.460 Released

Greetings! We have issued another Beta Version of our not-yet-released 7.500, for those who are testing or wish to test the new features and functionality of our next major Up2Date release. For more information on the 7.500 Beta, please see our initial launch announcement . For more information on this new Beta version release, please read on

Astaro Secure Client V9.1 released

This new release adds a budget manager, multi-certificate configuration, additional GUI languages, WISPr support and many additional minor enhancements. New Features ASC V9.1 offers the following major new features, among others: Budget Manager The new Budget Manager serves to monitor the costs of internet connection, focusing on UMTS, GPRS and WLAN connections