Tag: astaro security gateway

Up2Date 5.215 [Middle]

This small package updates the initial IPs of SurfProtection servers in the US. Up2Date 5.215 Remarks Required previous version is 5.214 Existing configuration will not be changed Middleware will be restarted Depending on the speed of the CPU the Up2Date installation will take a few minutes New/Changed/Improved Updated initial IPs of SurfProtection servers Bugfix (please refer to the known issue list on http://www.astaro.com/kb) Download Information The Astaro Up2Date technology makes it easy to upgrade your installed Astaro Security Linux to the latest version. There are three ways to apply an Up2Date package to the system (All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed!): Log on to WebAdmin, navigate to “System -> Up2Date Service” and start a “Update now” in “System Up2Date

Up2Date 7.003 released [Middle]

This Up2Date fixes several bugs: important, annoying and cosmetic, improves performance of V7 and introduces three new features: USB Stick as configuration storage, NAT support for multiple L2TP over IPSec connections and support for wildcards in exceptions. Performance Improvements The overall system performance has been vastly improved. Memory and disk usage have also been reduced in many areas, such as with packet forwarding, AV scanning, temporary http downloads, self-monitoring, IPS hardware acceleration and logging

ASG V7 GA released !

Astaro is pleased to announce the availability of the Astaro Security Gateway V7 GA. Version 7 contains a huge number of advanced features and enhancements like transparent e-mail encryption, SSL VPN, active/active clustering and control of instant messaging and peer-to-peer file sharing traffic.   Thanks to anybody who contributed to this major release! We received a tremendous amount of excellent feedback during our BETA test.

ISO and Up2Date 6.908 for ASG V7 BETA

We released version 6.908 of ASG V7 BETA: it includes a huge number of big and small fixes and improvements, a redesigned email encryption engine, performance tunings and it is a major step forward to the GA version. Basics First of all: thx for your feedback, suggestions, comments, feature requests, bug reports! With the feedback on the UBB and v7@astaro.com we made 6.908.

ASG Up2date 6.300 released [Middle]

Version 6.300 includes some highlights: performance improvments for IPS and Anti-Virus of more than 50%, deletion of NTLM credentials and two new SMTP recipient white lists (global or just for Anti-Spam). And it includes of course also many bug fixes – read on to get the details…  SMTP recipient whitelists There are two new whitelist: one in the spam section to exclude recipients from spam check and a global whitelist to exclude recipients from all checks (even from virus scanning): Performance improvments for IPS and Anti-Virus We optimized the search algorithm for IPS engine, with only 10MB of additional RAM usage, the perforce increases by more than 50%. This optimization is only enabled for machines with more than 256 MB RAM

ASG Up2Date 6.202 released [Middle]

This Up2Date improves the support for the upcoming Astaro Command Center V1, fixes some vulnerabilities in the anti virus scan engine ClamAV and tunes the anti spam engine to improve the detection rate. It also fixes six minor bugs form the Known Issue List ( http://www.astaro.com/kb )

ASG Up2Date 5.210 released [low]

This small Up2Date improves the SessionID security check for live log scripts in the WebAdmin and updates also the device agent for the upcoming Astaro Command Center (ACC).  Urgency: low (low, Middle, HIGH) Size: 8M (8,959,688 bytes) md5sum: ee78f15d1d3f4688814c3d2b9e5a1192 Up2Date 5.210 Remarks Required previous version is 5.209 Existing configuration will not be changed Middleware will be restarted Active IP and VPN connections will be restarted Depending on the speed of the CPU the Up2Date installation will take a few minutes New/Changed/Improved Improved SessionID security for live log scripts Improved ACC device agent Bugfix (please refer to the known issue list on http://www.astaro.com/kb ) ID3484 IPSec Client config includes wrong lifetimes Download Information All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! The Astaro Up2Date technology makes it easy to upgrade your installed Astaro Security Linux to the latest version. There are three ways to apply an Up2Date package to the system: Log on to WebAdmin, navigate to “System -> Up2Date Service” and start a “Update now” in “System Up2Date. An extra browser window will show the progress of the Up2Date process and the System Administrator will receive a notification email once the Up2Date process has finished successfully

ASG Up2Date 5.209 released [Low]

Urgency: low (low, Middle, HIGH) Size: 7M (7,360,966 bytes) md5sum: 3a859154b96e0c42a8d334f31f8e3f0f Up2Date 5.209 Remarks Required previous version is 5.208 Existing configuration will not be changed Middleware will be restarted Active IP and VPN connections will be restarted Depending on the speed of the CPU the Up2Date installation will take a few minutes Bugfix (please refer to the known issue list on http://www.astaro.com/kb ) ID2835 Site-2-Site VPN does not working after reconnect ID3299 Spam report contains email preview ID3333 POP3 Proxy does not work correctly ID3394 Maximum conncurrent connection limited Download Information All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! The Astaro Up2Date technology makes it easy to upgrade your installed Astaro Security Linux to the latest version. There are three ways to apply an Up2Date package to the system: Log on to WebAdmin, navigate to “System -> Up2Date Service” and start a “Update now” in “System Up2Date. An extra browser window will show the progress of the Up2Date process and the System Administrator will receive a notification email once the Up2Date process has finished successfully.