It seems like there is a new headline almost every day describing how some large, well known company suffered a cyber-attack of some kind.
Astaro Command Center 2.1 GA Released
Completing the release of the Astaro Command Center 2.1, today we have released the GA/Final version. It is available as an Up2Date for existing installations, a full set of ISO images for installing on your own hardware or ACC appliances, and we have Virtual images as for VMware ESX/i and VMware Player. Release Notes and a new 2.1 Demo server are also available
Dispelling the myths of open source
The concept of open source solutions remains daunting to those who do not understand this area of development, yet the massive community of open source developers have created some truly remarkable tools. Open source solution providers, particularly those in the security industry, face tough challenges combating some of the common misconceptions and myths surrounding this highly adaptable and effective development method. Astaro published a white paper dispelling the myths associated with open source.
Astaro Command Center 2.1 Released
Astaro has today made available the soft-release of the next Astaro Command Center (ACC) version – our tool for centrally managing Astaro devices. Whether you have two or two-hundred+ installations, ACC gives you a central point for monitoring, configuring, and reporting. Today's release will allow anyone at Beta Version 2.070 or Stable Version 2.000 to Up2Date to ACC 2.1 via manual FTP download
Why do financial institutions need security?
No bank or other financial institution would consider using a regular pick up truck and forgo security guards for the transport of their money. Yet many financial institutions are doing the technological equivalent by not implementing enterprise level network security solutions. The regulatory framework that affects all financial institutions makes it essential that privacy is protected and that the security of network transactions can be demonstrated and verified.
What is a botnet?
Since the Internet has become a staple of businesses and homes we've become familiar with the term “virus” and what it means from a technology perspective. In recent years viruses have evolved into more powerful 'botnets'. While we've discussed the effects of botnets several times in this blog we've never defined the term.
Red Flag Guidelines and Small Business
It's no surprise that as the scope of the Internet and the services it provides the public grows that national legislators are behooved to pass laws to ensure public safety and security online.
Astaro Command Center 2.1 BETA Begins
The Astaro Command Center V2 has proven to be a great tool for management of multiple Astaro devices. We have been hard at work adding more features and tools into it for you. Today we are unveiling the chance for you to download and test ACC V2.1 BETA, which adds the ability to centrally define and use objects like Network and Service definitions, improvements in multi-user/multi-device operations, and a totally new aggregated reporting ability which collects and displays reports from single or multiple installations
Basic Security Tips part 2 – Effective passwords
A while back I published a post about locking your computer to make it safe. In this post we will discuss how to create passwords that are hard to crack but easy to remember to keep your personal computer, accounts and company network more secure. In an attempt to remember our work email password, our personal email password, our bank password, our network access password, etc
Basic Security Measures We Sometimes Forget to Use – Part 1
When talking about network security we concentrate on technologies and tactics network administrators can use to keep their organization protected. While this focus is important, even a company specializing in security can neglect to remind employees and others of some basic security measures. This post is the first in a series of posts detailing some basic security techniques for keeping your network, your identity and your computer safe