Tag: antivirus

Don’t Let Your Web Server Fall Victim to Sophisticated Malware

Recently, the micro-blogging service Twitter was a victim of different cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. Malicious code had been distributed without the knowledge of its users via their accounts. Many people think such exploits are only a problem for large international companies, but the simple truth is that only incidents at large or well-known companies hit the media channels.

Winners of the Astaro Orange Summer Photo Competition 2010

When we started our photo competition this summer for the first time, we were curious about what kind of pictures would be submitted. In retrospect, finding out about where and how the Astaro community spends their Orange Summer did not disappoint! The community was invited to vote for their favorite picture in our gallery of submissions and the voting session closed on 22nd September 2010. The Winning 5, who have each won a pair of RayBan sunglasses, can be seen below: Click here to see the full gallery

Software error in old Astaro versions – update required

Dear Astaro Partners and Customers, We work constantly to ensure all our customers' networks are secure and connected no matter what version of the Astaro Security Gateway they are running. This is why we wanted to inform our partners and customers of an upcoming software challenge we have identified that may affect installations using older versions of the Astaro Security Gateway. Please read below: What is the issue?