Urgency: HIGH (low, Middle, HIGH) Up2Date 2.015 Bugfix Viruscan detection of some “long named” viruses Download Information Size: 779307 bytes All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! The Astaro Up2Date technology makes it easy to update your installed Astaro Security Linux to the latest versions. To apply an Up2Date package to the system, log on to WebAdmin, navigate to “System -> Up2Date Service” and start a “System Up2Date”.
[Middle] Up2Date 1.931 1.932 1.940
Urgency: Middle (low, Middle, HIGH) Up2Date 1.931 Prepare Up2Date 1.932 Size: 1153 Bytes Up2Date 1.932 Update s WebAdmin MiddleWare Up2Date Selfmonitor Astaro Port Scan Detection (PSD) Size: 8378123 bytes Up2Date 1.940 Finish Up2Date 1.932 Size: 532 Bytes All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! READ MORE
[High] Up2Date 1.917 1.918 1.919 .920
Urgency: HIGH (low, Middle, HIGH) Up2Date 1.917 Prepare: Up2Date 1.918 Size: 561 bytes Up2Date 1.918 Prepare: Up2Date 1.919 Size: 448 bytes Up2Date 1.919 New: Remote Syslog New: Alias Interfaces New: Proxy ARP Update: Up2Date Update: WebAdmin (including Online Help) Update: Middleware Update: Selfmonitoring Update: Astaro User Authentication Size: 9248355 bytes Up2Date 1.920 Finish: Up2Date 1.919 Size: 519 bytes All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! READ MORE
[High] Up2Date 1.822
Urgency: HIGH (low, Middle, HIGH) Up2Date 1.822 New: Virus Pattern Up2Date Integrated Bugfix: Selfmonitoring Notifications (gpg kill and “too much memory” e-mails) Size: 718832 bytes Up2Date Server: All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! READ MORE
German Manual available!
Dear Astaro-Users, we made it! The german manual is available here . We are working on the english translation – it will be available on the 15th of july. Feedback is welcome: documentation@astaro.com Sincerely, Jan READ MORE
[High] Up2Date 1.743
Urgency: HIGH (low,Middle, HIGH) Up2Date 1.743 Bugfix: Wrong Virusscan Error Message Size: 748799 bytes Up2Date Server: All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! READ MORE
[High] Up2Date 1.793
Urgency: HIGH (low,Middle, HIGH) Up2Date 1.793 Bugfix: Wrong Virusscan Error Message Size: 748797 bytes Up2Date Server: All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! READ MORE
[High] Up2Date 1.708 1.709 1.715
Up2Date 1.708 and prepare Up2Date 1.709 (498 Bytes) Urgency: HIGH (low,Middle, HIGH) Up2Date 1.709 Update: MiddleWare Update: WebAdmin Update: Selfmonitor Update: Anti Virus Scan with AVP Update: Up2Date Update: HTTP Proxy 14153154 Bytes Up2Date 1.715 Finish Up2DAte 1.709 509 Bytes Up2Date Server: All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! READ MORE